The Rosewood Retirement Community
- 5700 East Central Texas Expressway, Killeen, TX 76543
Assisted living | Memory care
Rosewood’s assisted living option offers a way to simplify your daily household routine without sacrificing your freedom and independence. Meet and socialize with other seniors who share common interests. Our lively community can keep your calendar full of activities or allow you space to relax and unwind. Rosewood’s assisted living option offers a way to simplify your daily household routine without sacrificing your freedom and independence. Meet and socialize with other seniors who share common interests. Our lively community can keep your calendar full of activities or allow you space to relax and unwind. The Rosewood also provides short-term rehabilitation for patients who need to recover after hospitalization, as well as long-term care for those who need additional support. Along with our medical director and physicians, our team of healthcare experts and professionals will develop an individualized plan of treatment to get you back to the highest functional level possible.
Read More- 5700 East Central Texas Expressway, Killeen, TX 76543
Assisted living | Memory care
Rosewood’s assisted living option offers a way to simplify your daily household routine without sacrificing your freedom and independence. Meet and socialize with other seniors who share common interests. Our lively community can keep your calendar full of activities or allow you space to relax and unwind. Rosewood’s assisted living option offers a way to simplify your daily household routine without sacrificing your freedom and independence. Meet and socialize with other seniors who share common interests. Our lively community can keep your calendar full of activities or allow you space to relax and unwind. The Rosewood also provides short-term rehabilitation for patients who need to recover after hospitalization, as well as long-term care for those who need additional support. Along with our medical director and physicians, our team of healthcare experts and professionals will develop an individualized plan of treatment to get you back to the highest functional level possible.
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