Comfort Keepers Home Care
- 2717 North Grandview Boulevard, Waukesha, WI 53188
Assisted living
Residents come to us at challenging times in their lives, usually after an acute illness or an injury that requires hospitalization. Kensington Care & Rehab Center understands the significance of these changes and we are committed to delivering the best care in which our residents will experience pride and personal satisfaction and fulfillment. We provide short and long-term care and focused rehabilitation services. The care and service we provide is guided by our core values: hospitality, stewardship, integrity, respect, and humor. These values influence our decisions and priorities, and represent stability to those we serve.
Read More- 2717 North Grandview Boulevard, Waukesha, WI 53188
Assisted living
Residents come to us at challenging times in their lives, usually after an acute illness or an injury that requires hospitalization. Kensington Care & Rehab Center understands the significance of these changes and we are committed to delivering the best care in which our residents will experience pride and personal satisfaction and fulfillment. We provide short and long-term care and focused rehabilitation services. The care and service we provide is guided by our core values: hospitality, stewardship, integrity, respect, and humor. These values influence our decisions and priorities, and represent stability to those we serve.
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