Edgewood Point Assisted Living

  • 7733 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton, OR 97008
    • Assisted living | Memory care | Short term respite care
Edgewood Point Assisted Living Edgewood Point Assisted Living Edgewood Point Assisted Living Edgewood Point Assisted Living Edgewood Point Assisted Living Edgewood Point Assisted Living ;

Our goal at Edgewood Point is to provide each resident with the unique personal care they need while helping to maintain their independent lifestyle. Our caring and friendly healthcare services staff support our residents 24/7 to provide around-the-clock services. We also additional personal services, and because we focus on individual needs and preferences, you only pay for the services you need. Optional services include medication management including diabetic care, assistance with bathing, dressing, and mobility, and health monitoring. We invite you and your loved one to come to visit with us and learn more about our lifestyle.

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  • 7733 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton, OR 97008
    • Assisted living | Memory care | Short term respite care


Our goal at Edgewood Point is to provide each resident with the unique personal care they need while helping to maintain their independent lifestyle. Our caring and friendly healthcare services staff support our residents 24/7 to provide around-the-clock services. We also additional personal services, and because we focus on individual needs and preferences, you only pay for the services you need. Optional services include medication management including diabetic care, assistance with bathing, dressing, and mobility, and health monitoring. We invite you and your loved one to come to visit with us and learn more about our lifestyle.

Community Amenities

Indoor Pool

Beauty/Barber Shop

Movie and Game Nights

Courtyard and Garden

Computer/Internet Access




24 Hour Security System

Pet Friendly


Laundry Service



Skilled Nursing

Hair/Nail Salon

Fitness Center

Billiards Room

Social Events and Happy Hours

Daily Wellness Checks

Daily Personal Care

8330 Cason Road,
Gladstone, OR 97027
Types of care
Independent living
8360 Cason Road,
Gladstone, OR 97027
Types of care
Assisted living
12154 Southeast 114th Court,
Happy Valley, OR 97086
Types of care
Independent living