Quarry Hill
- 30 Community Drive, Camden, ME 04843
Independent living | Assisted living
Quarry Hills Regional Parkland (the Parkland) is one of the defining landscape features of the municipality and contributes significantly to the character of the City of Whittlesea’s growing suburbs. The hills are a striking visual feature within the landscape and are a common point of reference for the two emerging communities of South Morang and Mernda. The Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people are the custodians of the Quarry Hills Regional ParklandCultural Landscape and hold the generationally conferred responsibility of caring for this place to ensure seasonal maintenance of the right ecology, habitats for totemic and creation ancestors and restoration of the landscape traditionally managed by Woi-wurrung people. The Parkland and surrounding area remain a significant area of living cultural heritage and provide valuable habitat for a diverse range of native animals and plants central to Wurundjeri cosmology. (Excerpt from the Cultural Values Study.)
Read More- 30 Community Drive, Camden, ME 04843
Independent living | Assisted living
Quarry Hills Regional Parkland (the Parkland) is one of the defining landscape features of the municipality and contributes significantly to the character of the City of Whittlesea’s growing suburbs. The hills are a striking visual feature within the landscape and are a common point of reference for the two emerging communities of South Morang and Mernda. The Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people are the custodians of the Quarry Hills Regional ParklandCultural Landscape and hold the generationally conferred responsibility of caring for this place to ensure seasonal maintenance of the right ecology, habitats for totemic and creation ancestors and restoration of the landscape traditionally managed by Woi-wurrung people. The Parkland and surrounding area remain a significant area of living cultural heritage and provide valuable habitat for a diverse range of native animals and plants central to Wurundjeri cosmology. (Excerpt from the Cultural Values Study.)
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