Woodland by Bonventure

  • 4532 Intelco Loop Southeast, Lacey, WA 98503
    • Independent living | Assisted living | Memory care
Woodland by Bonventure Woodland by Bonventure Woodland by Bonventure ;

Discover Living Perfected at Woodland by Bonaventure. We want you to enjoy your retirement by giving you amazing activities and outings every day, but also by giving you luxurious senior living amenities. Stroll through our lush garden area and exercise your green thumb. Or take a walk around our beautifully manicured grounds. Stop by our library and discover your next favorite book. Enjoy the best fitness center around, with detailed and personal fitness classes, tailored to your skills and abilities. Afterward, stop by our salon and barber for a new look that will be perfect for a night on the town. Our senior living amenities include transportation, maintenance, delicious food, exciting activities, and lots more. Live life on your terms at Woodland by Bonaventure.

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  • 4532 Intelco Loop Southeast, Lacey, WA 98503
    • Independent living | Assisted living | Memory care


Discover Living Perfected at Woodland by Bonaventure. We want you to enjoy your retirement by giving you amazing activities and outings every day, but also by giving you luxurious senior living amenities. Stroll through our lush garden area and exercise your green thumb. Or take a walk around our beautifully manicured grounds. Stop by our library and discover your next favorite book. Enjoy the best fitness center around, with detailed and personal fitness classes, tailored to your skills and abilities. Afterward, stop by our salon and barber for a new look that will be perfect for a night on the town. Our senior living amenities include transportation, maintenance, delicious food, exciting activities, and lots more. Live life on your terms at Woodland by Bonaventure.

Community Amenities


Computer/Internet Access

Courtyard and Garden

Private Dining Room

Movie and Game Nights

General Store

24 Hour Security System


Pet Friendly


Laundry Service


Long-Term Care

Skilled Nursing

Hair/Nail Salon

Fitness Center

Social Events and Happy Hours

Daily Wellness Checks

Daily Personal Care