Independence Village of Midland

  • 2325 Rockwell Drive, Midland, MI 48642
    • Independent living | Assisted living | Memory care
Independence Village of Midland Independence Village of Midland Independence Village of Midland Independence Village of Midland Independence Village of Midland Independence Village of Midland ;

Independence Village offers independent living, assisted living, and memory care services in Midland, Michigan. These living options allow residents to maintain their independence while receiving quality care.
Residents have easy access to grocery stores, banks, medical facilities, and more. Take a day trip to a local park, museum, shopping center, or restaurant for added fun.
Independent living offers the privacy of an apartment home with benefits including meals, housekeeping, maintenance, transportation, activities, group outings, fitness programs, educational seminars, and more. Assisted living provides a licensed environment for individuals requiring everyday assistance while promoting the greatest level of independence and privacy. Memory care offers specialized services for individuals with dementia or other memory impairments.
Residents can participate in activities through the Life Enrichment Program at the Midland community. Based on the five dimensions of wellness, caregivers strive to meet residents’ spiritual, social, intellectual, physical, and emotional needs.

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  • 2325 Rockwell Drive, Midland, MI 48642
    • Independent living | Assisted living | Memory care


Independence Village offers independent living, assisted living, and memory care services in Midland, Michigan. These living options allow residents to maintain their independence while receiving quality care.
Residents have easy access to grocery stores, banks, medical facilities, and more. Take a day trip to a local park, museum, shopping center, or restaurant for added fun.
Independent living offers the privacy of an apartment home with benefits including meals, housekeeping, maintenance, transportation, activities, group outings, fitness programs, educational seminars, and more. Assisted living provides a licensed environment for individuals requiring everyday assistance while promoting the greatest level of independence and privacy. Memory care offers specialized services for individuals with dementia or other memory impairments.
Residents can participate in activities through the Life Enrichment Program at the Midland community. Based on the five dimensions of wellness, caregivers strive to meet residents’ spiritual, social, intellectual, physical, and emotional needs.

Community Amenities

Fitness Center


Laundry Service



24 Hour Security System




Computer/Internet Access