Wilson Commons - Assisted Living

  • 1500 West Sonata Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53221
    • Independent living | Assisted living | Memory care
Wilson Commons - Assisted Living Wilson Commons - Assisted Living Wilson Commons - Assisted Living Wilson Commons - Assisted Living Wilson Commons - Assisted Living Wilson Commons - Assisted Living ;

The State of Wisconsin regulates assisted living communities and differentiates between the type of care required for each resident. An RCAC community, or Residential Care Apartment Complex, is geared toward competent adults and allows each resident the right to an individual apartment with a locked entrance, private kitchen, and private bathroom. A CBRF community, or Community-based Residential Facility, supports residents with more advanced needs and often provides the option of a shared room. From a care standpoint, all Capri Assisted Living communities provide high-quality support for both RCAC- and CBRF-eligible residents. In fact, while many doctors will assume the need for a CBRF-style community for a resident with complex needs, we can provide just as much care in our RCAC-style communities before the resident needs to move to a CBRF.

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  • 1500 West Sonata Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53221
    • Independent living | Assisted living | Memory care


The State of Wisconsin regulates assisted living communities and differentiates between the type of care required for each resident. An RCAC community, or Residential Care Apartment Complex, is geared toward competent adults and allows each resident the right to an individual apartment with a locked entrance, private kitchen, and private bathroom. A CBRF community, or Community-based Residential Facility, supports residents with more advanced needs and often provides the option of a shared room. From a care standpoint, all Capri Assisted Living communities provide high-quality support for both RCAC- and CBRF-eligible residents. In fact, while many doctors will assume the need for a CBRF-style community for a resident with complex needs, we can provide just as much care in our RCAC-style communities before the resident needs to move to a CBRF.

Community Amenities

Indoor Pool

Beauty/Barber Shop

Movie and Game Nights

Private Dining Room

Computer/Internet Access




24 Hour Security System



Laundry Service



Skilled Nursing

Walking Trails

Hair/Nail Salon

Fitness Center

Educational and Enrichment Classes

Daily Wellness Checks

Medication Management

Daily Personal Care