Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

  • 516 26th Street, Monroe, WI 53566
    • Memory care
Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Monroe Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center ;

Monroe health services is a senior nursing community in monroe, wisconsin. It is located less than a mile from monroe, allowing access to local conveniences. The surrounding area is a quiet residential neighborhood providing residents with a peaceful environment for treatment. The facility is near health facilities, including pharmacies, dentists, a dialysis center and hospitals like monroe clinic hospital. Monroe health services has a team of staff with different specialties who provide 24-hour medical services. It offers rehabilitation treatments for post-surgery recovery, including occupational, speech and physical therapies. It has a respiratory and ventilator care program that assists residents with lung and heart conditions in managing and treating breathing complications. Other medical services offered at the facility include medication management, wound care, in-house x-ray, lab testing and diabetes care. ….

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  • 516 26th Street, Monroe, WI 53566
    • Memory care


Monroe health services is a senior nursing community in monroe, wisconsin. It is located less than a mile from monroe, allowing access to local conveniences. The surrounding area is a quiet residential neighborhood providing residents with a peaceful environment for treatment. The facility is near health facilities, including pharmacies, dentists, a dialysis center and hospitals like monroe clinic hospital. Monroe health services has a team of staff with different specialties who provide 24-hour medical services. It offers rehabilitation treatments for post-surgery recovery, including occupational, speech and physical therapies. It has a respiratory and ventilator care program that assists residents with lung and heart conditions in managing and treating breathing complications. Other medical services offered at the facility include medication management, wound care, in-house x-ray, lab testing and diabetes care. ….

Community Amenities

Pet Friendly


24 Hour Security System


Computer/Internet Access

General Store