Sego Lily Assisted Living Community

  • 465 Sego Lily Drive, Sandy, UT 84070
    • Assisted living
Sego Lily Assisted Living Community Sego Lily Assisted Living Community Sego Lily Assisted Living Community Sego Lily Assisted Living Community ;

At our assisted living facility, we are committed to providing high-quality services that promote the health, wellness, and happiness of our residents. We offer affordable pricing options that are designed to meet the needs and budget of each individual. Our services include laundry, personal care, medication management, and doctor visits to the facility. We also offer telehealth help and have a registered nurse on staff to ensure that our residents receive the highest level of care. In addition, we work with local home health agencies to provide additional support for those who need it. Our meals are prepared with fresh, healthy ingredients and can accommodate various dietary needs and preferences. We strive to create a warm, welcoming environment where our residents feel comfortable, safe, and valued.

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  • 465 Sego Lily Drive, Sandy, UT 84070
    • Assisted living


At our assisted living facility, we are committed to providing high-quality services that promote the health, wellness, and happiness of our residents. We offer affordable pricing options that are designed to meet the needs and budget of each individual. Our services include laundry, personal care, medication management, and doctor visits to the facility. We also offer telehealth help and have a registered nurse on staff to ensure that our residents receive the highest level of care. In addition, we work with local home health agencies to provide additional support for those who need it. Our meals are prepared with fresh, healthy ingredients and can accommodate various dietary needs and preferences. We strive to create a warm, welcoming environment where our residents feel comfortable, safe, and valued.

Community Amenities

Movie and Game Nights

Private Dining Room


24 Hour Security System



Laundry Service


Fitness Center

971 East 5600 South,
Murray, UT 84121
Types of care
Independent living