Heritage Nursing Center

  • 1902 Mead Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081
    • Independent living | Memory care
Heritage Nursing Center Heritage Nursing Center Heritage Nursing Center Heritage Nursing Center Heritage Nursing Center ;

Sheboygan Progressive Health Services has a dedicated team of health care professionals providing 24-hour skilled nursing, memory care and assisted living. The facility offers inpatient and outpatient speech, occupational and physical therapy. Residents with traumatic brain injuries can benefit from the neuro rehabilitation care program. Additionally, licensed respiratory therapists provide respiratory and ventilator care and pulmonary specialty programs. Amenities include daily housekeeping and laundry services. Residents can engage in social activities, such as bingo, as well as spiritual and religious activities and educational programs. The facility has a restaurant-style dining room with a diabetic-friendly menu. It also features a landscaped garden and private and semiprivate rooms with cable TV, security features and room service.

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  • 1902 Mead Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081
    • Independent living | Memory care


Sheboygan Progressive Health Services has a dedicated team of health care professionals providing 24-hour skilled nursing, memory care and assisted living. The facility offers inpatient and outpatient speech, occupational and physical therapy. Residents with traumatic brain injuries can benefit from the neuro rehabilitation care program. Additionally, licensed respiratory therapists provide respiratory and ventilator care and pulmonary specialty programs. Amenities include daily housekeeping and laundry services. Residents can engage in social activities, such as bingo, as well as spiritual and religious activities and educational programs. The facility has a restaurant-style dining room with a diabetic-friendly menu. It also features a landscaped garden and private and semiprivate rooms with cable TV, security features and room service.

Community Amenities

Bocce Court



On-site Physicans and Nurses

Laundry Service

Long-Term Care