Mitchell Manor

  • 5301 West Lincoln Avenue, West Allis, WI 53219
    • Independent living | Assisted living
Mitchell Manor Mitchell Manor Mitchell Manor Mitchell Manor Mitchell Manor ;

Mitchell Manor is located in the heart of the bustling city of West Allis, WI, along Lake Michigan’s western shore. A south suburb of Milwaukee, the city provides convenient access to shopping venues, banking, pharmacies and houses of worship, along with many options for urgent care and specialty health services within a 10-minute drive. Mitchell Manor is a residential care community offering seniors assisted living, skilled nursing and rehabilitative care. Residents receive individually tailored treatment plans with 24-hour medical services, such as IV therapy and pain management, administered by a licensed physician and nurse practitioner. Using the latest technologies and programs, caregivers create a safe and secure environment for residents facing the cognitive changes associated with memory loss. Specialized health services offered on-site include cardiac care, stroke recovery, dialysis care, and pulmonary and orthopedic rehab. ….

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  • 5301 West Lincoln Avenue, West Allis, WI 53219
    • Independent living | Assisted living


Mitchell Manor is located in the heart of the bustling city of West Allis, WI, along Lake Michigan’s western shore. A south suburb of Milwaukee, the city provides convenient access to shopping venues, banking, pharmacies and houses of worship, along with many options for urgent care and specialty health services within a 10-minute drive. Mitchell Manor is a residential care community offering seniors assisted living, skilled nursing and rehabilitative care. Residents receive individually tailored treatment plans with 24-hour medical services, such as IV therapy and pain management, administered by a licensed physician and nurse practitioner. Using the latest technologies and programs, caregivers create a safe and secure environment for residents facing the cognitive changes associated with memory loss. Specialized health services offered on-site include cardiac care, stroke recovery, dialysis care, and pulmonary and orthopedic rehab. ….

Community Amenities

Pet Friendly



Computer/Internet Access

General Store

Indoor Pool