Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center

  • 350 Hartford Post Office Road, West Columbia, WV 25287
    • Independent living | Assisted living
Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center ;

According to our records, Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center provides Nursing Care to seniors in Montgomery, WV. This senior care facility is located at 501 Adams St. You can find out where Montgomery is located with the map of Montgomery, WV below. Look for the red pin, and see other nearby communities that are marked with yellow pins when they are available. Other than these facts, we can’t say much about this care provider, but we can tell you more about the types of senior care that Montgomery General Elderly Care is said to provide.

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  • 350 Hartford Post Office Road, West Columbia, WV 25287
    • Independent living | Assisted living


According to our records, Glasgow Health and Rehabilitation Center provides Nursing Care to seniors in Montgomery, WV. This senior care facility is located at 501 Adams St. You can find out where Montgomery is located with the map of Montgomery, WV below. Look for the red pin, and see other nearby communities that are marked with yellow pins when they are available. Other than these facts, we can’t say much about this care provider, but we can tell you more about the types of senior care that Montgomery General Elderly Care is said to provide.

Community Amenities

Beauty/Barber Shop

General Store

Courtyard and Garden

Computer/Internet Access


24 Hour Security System


Pet Friendly




Hair/Nail Salon

Fitness Center

Billiards Room

Social Events and Happy Hours

Medication Management

Daily Personal Care

All Utilities Included

Occupational Therapy

Public Transportation