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More About Brookdale Northbrook
You shouldn’t have to sacrifice freedom and independence to receive quality care, especially when you can enjoy both here at Brookdale Northbrook. With independent and assisted living in a beautiful community with spacious accommodations and restaurant-style dining, everything you need is just steps from your door. And because we shoulder the responsibilities of things like cooking, cleaning and maintaining the property, you’re free to fill your days with events, activities and excursions that speak to your individual interests. The men and women who call this place home enjoy all the conveniences, services and comforts of home coupled with quality care. Between our personalized care plans and team that remains available on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you never have to worry about accidents or emergencies. And because we offer two levels of care, it’s easy to make a transition, without changing your address, if your needs should adapt over time.